Monday, July 6, 2009

still worried...

So I explained to the girl who answered the phone at the vet's office why I was calling and they said bring her in...the sooner the better. It's a rush to get kids dressed, dogs outside, fight tears back and out the door only to realize that I'm on empty and have to get gas. UUUGGGHHHH!
We get there and poor Grace looks like she was poured into my arms. The techs come in and one says, "Are you sure you want them in here?" about my girls. I'd been doing so good to hold it together, too. I manage to choke out, "You think it's that bad?" and she said, "I don't know. I just thought you might not want them in here in case...". I agree and she was nice enough to take them to the lobby and find some coloring paper for them. By now there's no holding back, but I'm working on getting it back together. It doesn't help that Grace is all snuggled up in the blanket with her big pink paws sticking out at the top. She is just beautiful. She doesn't have a fever...good...and her gums "look good"...better... I'm standing there holding her just praying. I told that tiny girl, "You have to fight now. It's not time. Don't you leave us."
Right in the middle of me focusing on reading the poster with all the different breeds of dogs on it in an attempt to not get upset, David walks in. Thank you! He didn't even have to ask, he just left work and came. Did I mention I love him?
Dr. C comes in and wants to run some blood tests and watch her today. So, no news yet. They will call David. That's good because he will not be emotional and actually remember the entire conversation. I'll let you know when I hear something.


Debra Crandell said...

Hi Kelly I have been thinking about Grace all day since I read the posts on the blog this morning. Thank you so much for loving her and taking in this poor baby girl. I am hope hope hoping no news is good news today after the day spent at the vets. I will be checking regularly.

Debra and Luke (my 4yr old Weim)

Brandi Reynolds said...

sending prayers of love and healing to your grace.

We have a weim from weim rescue of texas (our boog) and a weim mix (keely) from a shelter the grand prairie animal shelter. Much like your grace, the shelter called the rescue because they wanted to get her a home and couldn't care for her. Half her fur was gone because of mange (both types), she had three intestinal parasites, ear mites, fleas, anemic, emaciated, couldn't sit properly, her back legs couldn't straighten out.

she also slept a lot when we first got her and it was anemia so I am praying for you guys that's all it is and can be treated.

and I want you to know that my baby, who at a year to year and a half old came to us at 28 pounds, is now happy healthy 65 pound girl. She's recovered from it all. It CAN happen.