Good Evening!
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We are all worn out, I swear it's like having a newborn in the house again. Although, now I have two little helpers...Addie and Sydney want to help take care of Grace all the time and argue over whose turn it is to hold her! :o)
The rest of Sunday was fairly uneventful. Grace does her weim talking (those of you who have a weim know how they groan) alot, especially when she is upset. We are getting to know her better and I think she is getting to know us, too. The first day, she was very restless and would just walk in circles in her area whimpering and groaning. She seems to be more comfortable outside in the grass than she is indoors. She tends to pick her feet up, kind of a high step, when inside but walks normally outside. This makes me think she spent most, if not all, of her time outside. She tries to get out of her area alot. She is a very determined puppy! We let her out once, to see what she would do and she couldn't stay upright. She has no muscle tone due to her emaciation and doesn't have the strength to keep her legs under her on smooth surfaces. They will slide out and she ends up on her tummy with all four legs splayed out. Then she gets frustrated because she can't get up and just kicks all of her legs (I can see the calories we just put into her being wasted on this!) until we pick her up. At some point, I might get a towel or some material of some kind to use a sling and help hold her up so that she can explore a little more. But for now, we are trying to conserve every calorie we can.
Grace went to her first 4th of July fireworks display with us last night...and slept through the entire thing. (We weren't close enough for them to be too loud for her.) She was an angel and everyone around us wanted to pet her and hear her sad story. If I had a nickel for every time I hear "How could someone do this to a puppy?"... I won't even get into that because it does Grace absolutely no good. What's done is done and we are focused on her future. So, on the whole, we plugged the rescue's website and Grace was the perfect little ambassa-dog. By the time we pulled into the driveway Addie, Sydney and Gracie were all asleep in the back seat.
Grace woke me up at 4am this morning bumping around in her crate. I took her out to pee and was too tired to try and settle her in her crate so I just put her in bed with David and I. She curled up right next to his head and went immediately to sleep. I woke up at one point and she was curled up on my shoulder in the crook of my neck...it doesn't get much better than that!
She's eaten well today and had 3 bowel movements (this is what we were shooting for). We're a little concerned about her water intake. She drinks after eating and a little here and there but not enough so we are using a syringe to push some extra water. Her body is in such a delicate state right now that anything could set off the balance. She does not like the syringe, either! She pushes your hand away and groans and whines the whole time. It's good to see some fighting spirit in her!
Today, she has lived up to the title of this post. She has slept much of the day. She wakes easily to eat and will go outside to pee and explore a little but mostly, she wants to sleep. I'm hoping this is a result of her feeling more comfortable in our home and her body is now trying to heal. She is still on an antibiotic and we are supplementing with a high calorie vitamin gel. I think she is just flat worn out. Everyone got a turn holding her today except me!
Lastly, I wanted to give you some details on her appearance. She has part of her upper lip missing on both sides of her mouth, the left one is pretty decent sized and the right is small. Both are still healing with scabs, so they aren't too old. She has some scars and bite marks on her ears / face / chest. Her dew claws and tail are intact. You can see every bone in her skeleton right now...every rib, every vertabrae in her back. Even her tail looks bony. She has beautiful eyes and just looking at her, you wouldn't know she is blind. Her ears are big, beautiful weim ears and always get wet when she is eating or drinking. Her coat is in decent shape but a little coarse and sparse in areas due to the malnutrition.
Like I said, we're watching her hydration and will probably call Dr. Carroll tomorrow is she is still sleeping all the time just to be sure he doesn't want to re-assess her anemia.
Keep God's Grace in your thoughts and prayers and thank you for checking up on us!
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