Wednesday, October 21, 2009

gracie antics...

I'm pretty sure Gracie is going to start thinking her name is 'NO'. She is a MESS and getting into everything, not to mention irritating Miley and Maggie every chance she gets. Plus, she is as hard-headed and stubborn as Weims come so training has been an uphill battle. She is SO lucky that she is cute because I'm getting tired of the bruises on my arms and legs from her 'mouthiness'. She gets excited and nips quite a bit. The girls seemed to be immune and only David and I have been targets. Gracie has made this into a game in the backyard. If David or I are out there she will find you by scent and then chase you and try to nip. Yes, we are telling her 'no bite' with some success but like I said, she is a hard-headed Weim puppy and they usually don't start taking you seriously until the 500th time you tell them something.

She managed to find the toilet plunger behind the toilet in my bathroom (which is in the back of our bathroom in it's own small room) and get all the way out of our bathroom, bedroom and through the living room into the kitchen with the plunger in her mouth! (see pic to the right) She then carried it all over the house and did not want to give it up when I told her to 'drop'. I find it neccessary to remind myself that she is blind.

Just the other day, we took her out in the front yard while the girls were riding their bikes and she just took off running down the street! You would not believe she was blind had you seen her. She did not hesitate at all. David had to run after her and catch her!

Miley has given up pretending Gracie is not there and has started playing with her more. They were both on my bed one day and Gracie was laying in the middle with Miley running around her. Gracie would just listen for Miley and roll towards her and then bite at Miley. Miley then jumps up in the air and off the bed, runs into the living room and then back into the bedroom and jumps on the bed. It makes me tired to watch them. I was in my bathroom cleaning up (one of their toilet paper messes) and hear a loud crash. I come out to find Miley just looking at me from the bed and no Gracie. She has managed to roll/lunge her way completely off of the bed onto the nightstand and then to the floor. She ended up half under the bed but was fine and looking for Miley again once I got her out from under the bed. The picture to the right is from the day that Gracie was incessantly biting at Miley. Poor Miley just laid there and took it while Gracie bit at her neck, chest, face and Gracie's favorite...pulling on Miley's ears. This picture was taken right after I got onto Gracie and told her 'no bite' (for the hundredth time that day). This is her 'who, me? I wasn't doing anything!' look. Incidently, Gracie started biting Miley again as soon as I walked away. Eventually, Miley got fed up with the abuse and I caught her with Gracie's entire head in her mouth. Not that Gracie didn't deserve it, but Miley did get in a little bit of trouble. Miley never bites hard, though. I take that back, Miley did draw blood once when she was laying with me on the couch and getting attention from me and Gracie happened to walk up to us. Miley leapt over me and snapped at her. Gracie ended up with a small bite on her chin. But it didn't slow her down, she was back for more the next day!

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