Tuesday, January 26, 2010

toe update...

First of all, I want to apologize for my lack of posts. As I'm sure all of you were, I was focused on my family during the holidays. So, now that things are back to normal, I can catch you all up on the Walker Weims!
Gracie was a fairly decent patient throughout the splinting of her broken toe. She didn't chew on the bandage hardly at all but she pulled it off by scraping her foot against the ground (like a bull) MULTIPLE times. Plus, it was rainy for several of the weeks when she was wearing it so we had a couple of instances of her soaking the bandage with her constant running in the yard. Now, keep in mind the vet charged about $28 per wrapping so I was not going to keep paying for them to re-wrap it every time there was a problem. So, I gave myself a lesson in splinting and did pretty well! I ended up re-wrapping it several times and we finally stopped wrapping about a week short of the target date. She just kept getting them off and it was getting pretty expensive. Plus, a couple of the times she managed to get the wrap off, it was when we weren't there so she had been running around with the toe unsplinted so we figured any damage was already done. Gracie wasn't favoring that foot anymore, either.
Gracie is 100% again and going full speed!

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